Whiplash Treatment

Whiplash is defined as an acceleration/deceleration injury to head and neck.

Whiplash is defined as an acceleration/deceleration injury to head and neck. Most often whiplash is associated with motor vehicle accidents although it can also occur from high speed sports or trauma such as a direct blow to the head and neck. Whiplash injuries can be mild or severe and are often felt after 24-72 hours following the accident or injury.

Signs And Symptoms Of Whiplash

  • Muscle spasm of affected muscles in the neck
  • Possible ligament sprains
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Headaches
  • Possible restricted range of motion – side bending, side to side rotation and forward and backward neck bending
  • Dizziness
  • Pain and tenderness in the affected muscles of the head and neck
  • Nausea
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (compression of nerves/blood vessels in the neck shoulder region)
  • If the signs are neurological you may have a loss of muscle strength and atrophy usually within 72 hours of injury
  • Whiplash are graded by classifications called WAD (whiplash associated disorder) levels 1 to 4. Grades 1 and 2 are the most common.

Treatment Of Whiplash

  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Reducing muscle spasm that contribute to elevated signs and symptoms of whiplash
  • Increasing the range of motion of the head/neck
  • Treatment will focus on reducing pain and inflammation, increasing range of motion and stabilizing the muscles of the head and neck
  • Treatment for whiplash can be treated with physiotherapy, massage therapy or acupuncture.

If you have any questions about Whiplashcontact our staff at Dynamic Physiotherapy.

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